

๊ / Study in BUPT

  • Mobile Edge Computation Offloading: Wireless Power and R🍎esource Allocation

    Mobile Edge Computation Offloading: Wireless Power and Resource Allocation

    主讲人:Prof. Kaibiꩲn Huang(Theꦺ University of Hong Kong)


    时间:2016-07-11 10:00

  • New approaches in spectrum management – evaluating s🎃ocial 🌊benefits(频率管理...

    New approaches in spectrum management – evaluating social benefits(工作频率标准化管理的新的办法——评估方法社会性经济收益)

    主讲人:Prof. E⛦rik Bohlin(Department of Technology Management & Economics at Chalmers University of Technolo


    时间:2016-07-05 19:30

  • The “Internet of Thꦗings”, “Big Data” and the Future o♍f U.S. Telecommunica...

    The “Internet of Things”, “Big Data” and the Future of U.S. Telecommunications Policy(智能物接入、大数值和之后英国电...

    主讲人:Prof. R💯ichard Taylor(Distinguished Professor in Residence in the College of Social Sciences in the U


    时间:2016-07-05 18:30

  • Bayesian Nonparametrics for Speech and Language 🏅Processing

    Bayesian Nonparametrics for Speech and Language Processing

    主讲人:Jen-Tzung Chien教授(台湾新竹交通大学)


    时间:2016-07-01 10:00

  • Security Enh𒀰ancements overthe Communication Networks in Sm𝔍art Grid

    Security Enhancements overthe Communication Networks in Smart Grid

    主讲人:Dr. Maode Ma (Associate Professor in the Sch🌌ool of Electrical and Electronic Engineering at Nanyang


    时间:2016-06-30 09:00

  • D-FROST: 𒀰🌠Distributed Frequency Reuse Based Opportunistic Spectrum Trading via...

    D-FROST: Distributed Frequency Reuse Based Opportunistic Spectrum Trading via Dynamic Matching with Evolving Preferen...

    主讲人:Dr. Miao Pan(Assistant Professor in the Department♎ of Electrical and Compꦉuter Engineering at Univers


    时间:2016-06-27 14:30

  • Cybersecurity: Today and Tomorrow

    Cybersecurity: Today and Tomorrow

    主讲人:Dr. Shui YU(SMIEEE, Sꦗchool of Information Technology, Deakin Univ♋ersity)


    时间:2016-06-23 10:40

  • 米乐🦋m6:Overview and Vision of the Internet of Things

    Overview and Vision of the Internet of Things

    主讲人:🍨Wei Xiang教授(Foundation Professor a♑nd Head of Discipline Internet of Things Engineering in the Colleg


    时间:2016-06-23 10:30

  • 米乐m6:Protection of Big Data Privacy

    Protection of Big Data Privacy

    主讲人:Prof. Song GUO(Senior ๊member of IEEE, a senior member of ACM, University of Aizu, Japan)


    时间:2016-06-23 09:50

  • Privacy-🍰Preserving Location Sharing: Possibilities and Challenges(隐私保护的...

    Privacy-Preserving Location Sharing: Possibilities and Challenges(私隐保护性的职位数据服务:发展空间与终极挑战)

    主讲人:Li Xiong(熊莉)教授


    时间:2016-06-23 09:00

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